Black & Red Color Inspiration

black and red color
black and red color palette
Black and red color inspiration

From left to right

  1. #dbd1c8
  2. #b5a396
  3. #7f6a5c
  4. #281916
  5. #a81817

The impact of this black and red color inspiration image is bold…unashamedly bold. Doesn’t it work wonderfully well. I love how the red in this image really stands out and breaks the space. The black is highlighted by the fittings which once again, separate the red and the lighter hues of the walls. Black and red can be a tricky combination to do well. There is always a danger that you overdo them leaving a very dark room. Get them right though, they leave you with a vibrant space that works well.

black and red color scheme
Black and red color palette

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