Copper & Green Color Inspiration

copper and green
copper and green color palette
Copper and green color palette

From left to right

  1. #e7e7e3
  2. #b2b1ae
  3. #394131
  4. #f1f1f1
  5. #be7a57

One of the on-trend colors at the moment is copper. Not only does it offer such a warm tone, its natural beauty and the way it ages is a welcome addition to any space. The glow that fills the room with copper when it is illuminated is wonderful and very difficult to replicate with other methods and materials. You are seeing the introduction of copper into the home space in many creative ways. You will see that i already wrote an article recently which showcased copper back splashes into your kitchen.

Is green a natural color to complement copper? The simple answer is yes. Copper has a wonderful ability to work very well with natural colors…green being the most natural color you can get. Together, they complement each other very well, especially if you opt for a dark green. Copper and green also work very well with neutral colors too. Think grays and whites. When you put all these colors together, you have a color palette that delivers a sensational look that gives a premium feel. In short, a green and copper color palette really works.

green and copper color scheme
Copper and green color inspiration

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