16+ Attic Storage Ideas That Work

Attic Storage ideas

Get inspired with our attic storage ideas

It’s official…the attic is the best room in the house! It may be true for some, but not all. What is for sure, if you do want to make the most of your attic, you really do need to consider attic storage ideas. Make the most of this great space by adding value to your home.

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16+ Attic Storage Ideas That Work

What is the purpose of my attic? 

Essentially, there are two reasons why you would consider spending money on your unfinished attic. The first is if you want to create an extra room. This may well be a hang out room, but more than likely it is a bedroom. The second reason is to simply create attic storage. This may be for extra personal items like clothes, or it may well be for specific items you may want to keep out of the way. 

There is a real cost saving to this too. If you needed the storage space, you may well have had to rent a storage container at a storage unit. This is an ongoing cost of storing your belongings. Depending on how long you intend to store the items, it may well be better to make the most of your attic space to create a storage area.  

Loft storage ideas – Is it worth converting my attic? 

Creating great attic storage solutions isn’t a case of throwing a few cardboard boxes up there. However, creating a usable storage solution needs much more thought. Most people would like more attic storage space, but there are a few main things that you need to consider. 

1- Consider your storage needs – Do you really need that extra storage space? Most people would say yes, as it frees up floor space in the main home and living space. It also means that people would be less likely to feel that they need to move home. 

2 – Consider the existing condition of your attic space – Is this an area of your home that is free of any major issues. This may be structural issues in the roof space, or it may relate to pest control issues. 

3 – Consider the cost of conversion for your storage idea – Before you start any work, you will need to consider the costs of conversion. This may include the conversion of the space; lighting, supporting the joist in the attic floor, attic insulation, as well as creating easy access to it, be it through an attic ladder or attic steps

The biggest factor to consider is the attic flooring. Remember, they need to potentially hold some substantial weight. You may have to reinforce the existing joists or even add supports. 

4- Consider the ventilation – Creating a well ventilated space is necessary to prevent any future issues. This may relate to mustiness, mould or mildew. 

5 – Consider the storage solutions – Most people introduce shelving and or a storage bin into the attic space. Shelf space is a great way to stay organized, and a storage box or clear bins help you stay organised.

Storage boxes and an attic closet is perfect for clothing. Your stored items will be safely protected if you make the right preparations. Consider the attic storage tips out there to help you make the most of your space.  

Take a look at the attic storage ideas below. It gives you real life examples of what is possible and should help you move forward with your ideas.

attic storage ideas pictures
Attic storage ideas pictures

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Check out these eaves storage and attic storage idea…

under eaves storage

Make the most of your under eaves storage

This built in example makes the most of the eaves, squeezing out every inch of space.

under eaves storage solutions

Create a built in attic eaves storage unit…

Creating a built in is very efficient, if not more costly. It organises your space while also adding value.

under eave storage

Consider these loft eaves storage ideas…

The owner of this home has created a wonderful attic bedroom. However, allowing easy access to the eaves makes the space very useable.

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Some eaves storage solutions are a bit special…

Some ideas are more elaborate than others…this is a great example of an owner going the extra mile to create some wonderful custom storage.

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This sliding loft eaves storage works…

Get creative and make the most of your space. This design provides easy access with these fantastic sliding doors.

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16+ Attic Ladder Ideas That Work

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attic storage solutions
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These attic shelving and eaves wardrobe solutions should really inspire you…

I hope you found these attic storage ideas useful, they offer ideas on how you can move your project forward. If you found this post useful, please consider sharing it with your friends on social media. See you soon!

attic storage ideas pictures
Attic storage ideas pictures

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